Pub Hub Data Integration

Interop Experts
at our Core

Exceptional interoperability is our core strength, making us leaders in seamless healthcare data management and exchange, driving comprehensive solutions and optimal patient care.

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Data Integration

Provider Networks


Facilitate seamless integration and connectivity with our QHIN/HIE OnRamp service, designed to connect healthcare providers to vital health information networks, enhancing interoperability and patient care.

Nationwide Integration
Connect with Qualified Health Information Networks and independent Health Information Exchanges across the country.
Secure Data Exchange
Ensure the secure and compliant exchange of health information, supporting patient privacy and data integrity.
Streamlined Onboarding
Simplify the process of joining health information networks with guided support and technical assistance.

Turn-key, Scalable FHIR Enablement

Leverage our FHIR API as a facade over your existing data infrastructure, simplifying access and integration, and ensuring your systems are fully compliant with healthcare standards. Transform your data management with our seamless, scalable approach.

  • Native FHIR R4
  • USCDI v1 Compliant
  • EHI Export
  • SMART on FHIR Ready
  • Multi Tenant SaaS
  • Convert Custom data to FHIR

Interoperability at Scale

We provide secure interoperability at scale, ensuring seamless and safe data exchange across diverse systems. Our scalable solutions not only support growth but also guarantee the protection of your data during transfer, fostering innovation and efficiency with uncompromised security.

Comprehensive Data Processing
We provide comprehensive data integration services, including validation, transformations, translations, and mappings, to ensure seamless interoperability across systems.
Secure Connectivity
We offer a range of secure connectivity methods, ensuring robust and flexible options to meet the diverse needs of our clients, all while maintaining the highest standards of data security.
Dynamic Workflows
Data integration is not a "one size fits all" endeavor. Our dynamic data integration adapts to your unique needs with tailored solutions for every challenge.
Scalable Infrastructure
Engineered to accommodate healthcare data integration challenges, our solutions effortlessly scale with your data's volume and complexity, ensuring seamless performance and reliability for any demand.

Advanced Security

Modern healthcare security employs a multi-layered strategy with advanced technology to safeguard sensitive information against unauthorized access and cyber threats. Discover how Iron Bridge is at the forefront of these security practices.

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See what Iron Bridge has to offer.

Contact us today and schedule a demo to see how our products can help your company thrive.